Juliana Teixeira Barreto

Juliana Teixeira Barreto


Juliana Teixeira Barreto joined Fabio Kadi Advogados as a trainee in 2009, working in several areas, such as real estate and banking law.

When she finished her law degree from Universidade Paulista (UNIP), she was already an intern working in Civil Law, focusing on Medical and Health Law, an area in which she now leads the team, always with a broad vision to assess the best options to the issues brought by her clients. She is currently studying a lato sensu postgraduate course in Medical and Health Law at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do of Paraná (PUCPR).

Outside the firm’s activities, Juliana is currently a member of the OAB/SP’s Special Committee on Medical and Health Law, as an effective member.

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