André Maluf Jacob

André Maluf Jacob


With over 15 years of practice, André Maluf Jacob focuses on Civil Litigation, with expertise in real estate law, providing clients with excellent service that prioritizes the prevention of business risks.

Graduated in Law from Universidade Paulista (UNIP) in 2006, he invested in academic knowledge throughout the years resulting in a post-graduation in Civil Procedure from Faculdade de Direito de São Paulo (FADISP), specialization in Tenancy and Condominium Law and in Substantive Law and Procedure from Escola Superior de Advocacia (ESA). In addition, he has taken extension courses to improve his technical background, focusing on Negotiation Techniques for Lawyers, Real Estate Law, and Lease Law.

Jacob has deep technical and practical knowledge in the area, which enables the formulation of effective and efficient solutions to complex issues regarding our clients’ needs.

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